👋🏻 Hello, I am

Brenda Nardi

Web Content Specialist based in USA

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Featured Projects which showcase all of the projects I've been working on so far

Weather application without forecast

Weather App

Weather app built during SheCodes Plus Workshop. This app was built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and API integration. The content was hosted using Netlify.

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Weather App w/ Forecast

Weather Forecast app built during SheCodes Plus Workshop. This app was a continuation of the Weather app project referenced above to feature a forecast option. This app was built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and API integration. The content was hosted using Netlify.

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Weather application with forecast
World Clock application

World Clock App

World Clock app built during SheCodes Plus Add-On Workshop. This app was a reinforcement to further advance in API knowledge and work with Moment.js and Moment-Timezone.js. The app showcases the current time for various cities, including the user's current location.

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